Over the Easter break my email provider had some issues, this mean't that if you sent an email you would have been notified that it had been rejected. Thank you to the clients that phoned to notify me of the problem, the problem I now have is the emails that were rejected never came through. Therefore if you sent an email between the 20th and the 25th of April and have not heard back from me please resend and I will action this ASAP. RE BRANDING This has been completed thanks to Sander@Cowper Murray Check out our new logo and upgraded website @ Check out our Facebook page So start by liking the facebook page -For event posts -Interesting web pages and links -Business updates. It would be great if you could add referrals to the Facebook Page while you are there. ALLERGENS With the recent major recall involving milk in Barry Callebaut Dark Chocolate, we have reviewed the way we label allergens. This includes moving away from using the word traces and replacing with may contain as a trace is a very small amount. In the case of Barry Callebaut Dark Chocolate which contains Milk as a carry over ingredient on the product line but is not added as an actual ingredient we suggest you use the term "contains dairy from manufacturing", to use the words may contain is not acceptable to MPI in this instance as it contains greater than 0.1% milk solids. A large number of companies (at least 20) were affected by this recall and on a positive note it has been a great learning experience for those involved. I suggest if you use any brand of dark chocolate in your product check with your supplier on the probability of the product containing milk and review your product labelling. MPI are also reviewing terms used in labelling of allergens to try and make it easier for consumers. It has been suggested to use the term Milk rather than Dairy. It has also been suggested for gluten allergens to use the grain name eg "contains wheat" rather than gluten. If the product contains more than one source of gluten then add "contains gluten containing cereals" GIVE ME A BREAK From the 15th of May 2019 I will be having about 10 days off. I will be able to respond to emails however would prefer to not be working during this time. If you know you have work coming up, get it in this week and I will complete it before my break or call 021642005 or email me directly [email protected] before the 15th of May to discuss this further. WHATS ON CANTERBURY NZIFST MEETING 14th May 5.30pm @ESR 27 Creyke Road Ilam “Sustainability in Mushroom Production” Mel Rushton is the Marketing and Innovation Manager at Meadow Mushrooms Ltd. She is part of the Senior Team and is responsible for developing Marketing Strategy for Meadows including brand, social and digital, new product development, events and partnership marketing activities. Recently, Meadow Mushrooms, has been given recognition by the Healthy Food Guide Magazine. Annually, the magazine prepares their “best” healthy food products across 16 categories (and even call out a few bad examples) in the mix. Meadow Mushrooms earned a “Highly Commended” in the sustainability category for the mushroom pre-packs. This is a great recognition for Mel’s work, and she encourages the business to keep up the momentum and continue to think of ways to think reduce, reuse, recycle. Mel is an awesome friend and client of mine and this will be a great presentation to go to. RSVP to [email protected] by Friday, 10th May 2019 Free to members $5.00 for non-members. NZIFST ANNUAL CONFERENCE- CHRISTCHURCH 2nd - 4th July in the fabulous 'new' Christchurch Town Hall See the PROGRAMME and take advantage of big savings with Early Bird Registration prices at REGISTRATION (Standard rates apply after 31 May). There is still time to register your interest to present a poster. Please contact Rosemary for this opportunity OR to enquire about exhibition and sponsorship options.NZIFST FOOD INDUSTRY AWARDS Nominations close 7th May for awards for:Distinguished Service to a food sector 'Ron Hooker' - for service to the Institute 'J C Andrews' - for substantial contribution to food science and technology Leadership above and beyond 'business as usual' Allergen Bureau Best Practice Allergen Management Young Technologist - aged under 30 Institute Fellowships For more information contact NZIFST And don't forget the Food Safety and the Allergen Bureau Awards! THANK YOU
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